We rely on the generous support of our larger community! If you are interested in volunteering, donating, or just want to receive our super awesome newsletter, contact us via phone (414-344-5745) or email
Household Help
Your donations help keep our houses humming and guests feeling at ease. Here is a list of our current needs: *PRAYERS *2T PULL-UPS & SIZE 4 DIAPERS *BABY WIPES *CLEANING SUPPLIES *MILK (esp. shelf stable milk) *LAUNDRY DETERGENT *DISH DETERGENT *39 GALLON GARBAGE BAGS *BLEACH *PASTA SAUCE *DISH SOAP *PIZZAS *PAPER TOWEL -hamburger helper Most needed items are on our Amazon Wishlist Things we currently DO NOT need: -bread -clothing (other than infant and toddler items) -shoes -books (other than Bibles) -size 1 or 2 diapers All donations received are freely given to help those who lack the basics of life. We do not receive any government, Archdiocesan, or corporate funding and have never applied for tax-exempt status. |
For the safety of the people we take in (some of whom choose not to get vaccinated for COVID-19), we have limited the amount of volunteers coming through our houses. However there are still many ways you can help out. ---We are always looking for people willing to do donation drives for our houses, especially people who can organize it on their own. ---We need skilled people willing to do work on one of our houses that is currently being slowly rehabbed, Mapendo House. ----We love it when people share our social media posts so the word can get around about our important work. ----And, of course, we always need people to pray for us! Thank you so much! Anyone interested in joining our community as a live-in volunteer is encouraged to contact us, though we do not currently have any open volunteer rooms. We accept volunteers of any religion, nationality, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Two Ways to Donate to Casa Maria: 1) Make out a check to "Casa Maria" & mail to Casa Maria, PO Box 05206, Milwaukee, WI 53205 2) Donate via PayPal |